How do I avoid accidental purchases?
Big Fish Casino is free to play, but you can choose to purchase items within the game using real money (see In-app Purchases).
To limit in-app purchases, consider adding restrictions. With restrictions, you can block in-app purchases or make it so that in-app purchases require a password.
To restrict in-app purchases:
- Open the Settings app on your device.
- Tap General.
- Scroll down and tap Restrictions.
- Tap Enable Restrictions (unless already enabled)
After enabling restrictions, you'll see what's currently allowed on your device. Now, you have a few options:
- To completely turn off in-app purchases: swipe the slide-button to the left.
- To require a password for every in-app purchase: Tap Password Settings, then choose Always Require.
- To enter a password once for all in-app purchases within a 15-minute window: Tap Password Settings, then choose Require After 15 Minutes.