Emails regarding the odds in our game will not receive a reply
Our Customer Support team is happy to help with all issues related to billing and technical support, but they cannot change the outcome of the gameplay for anyone.
The odds are always the same for every player
All slot spins, roulette spins, card games, and dice rolls have the same probability of success or failure for everyone regardless of your account, player level, virtual chip amount, or how long you’ve been playing.
There is an element of chance involved with all of the games in Big Fish Casino, but the odds for each game are the same for you and every other player. Each player’s win and loss experiences will be different. But across the entire game, if that game is a slot game, card game, or craps, the overall wins and losses from all players combined will reflect the odds of winning for that specific game.
Even the best gamers will run into bad luck at times and the most important part of the Big Fish Casino is your enjoyment!
To help you have a good time, we have some tips:
- Pace yourself: Virtually betting big could mean big wins, but you might also go through a lot of virtual chips in a short amount of time. Find an amount that you can virtually bet in a game that can last a while, even if the losses keep coming. If your virtual bet exceeds 1 for every 100 virtual chips you have, you could be virtually betting a bit high for what you have.
- The Max Bet button might not always be the best virtual bet. Set your virtual bet to an amount that is sure to last for a while in the game you are playing based on the virtual chips you have, and not on how much you might win.
- When you spin in a virtual slot game, the server will randomly generate the result of the spin, and then send the data for what to display and how much to credit. Each spin result is random and independent of how much you've been winning or spending.
- Some of our virtual slots offer more frequent, but smaller wins than others, relatively. While playing at these virtual slot machines will not increase your overall chances, you may get to spin more times at these types of virtual slots. Examples of these slot machines include the following: Cupid's Sweethearts, Enchanted Cavern, Jackpot City, Secret Grove, Pharaoh’s Flame, Wicked Wins, and Wild Oak Fairies.