What is A Deering Rescue?
In this event, you’ll have a limited time to find Santa’s Reindeer. Every chip virtual bet gets you closer to the next Reindeer. Bigger virtual bets will get you there faster. Each Reindeer will come with a reward given to you after you find them.
How do I find reindeer?
Virtually bet chips to progress towards each reindeer. The more you virtually bet, the quicker you will find the next reindeer.
What will I get as rewards?
Each time you find a reindeer, you will be given chips for your hard earned work. Each level gets harder, with the last few levels being extremely tough (with major rewards).
When do I get my Reward?
Immediately after you find a Reindeer your account will be awarded the prize listed on the Reindeer.
Where can I see my progress?
If you hit the grid button labeled: “A Deering Rescue” you will see the photos of all of the reindeer you’ve found, as well as the silhouettes of those you still need to find (and the reward to do so!).
How long will this event last?
This event will go from 12/19 - 12/26. Progress will not be counted starting at 12/27 12:00am PST.